Inpatient rehabilitation service coming very soon.
Our website with new design has been launched. Stay tuned for all information and details.
Child guidance clinics opening shortly
Says Kaithapram "I had come to WellnessOne, Calicut after treatment and rehabilitation for stroke in Vellore Medical College & other therapy centres in Kerala. Our family now includes Physiotherapy Specialists, other therapists and patients of WellnessOne – A treatment centre which ensures treatment even for the common man with its specialist therapists and environment of compassionate care. I had undergone Neuro rehabilitation therapy at WellnessOne and am extremely thankful to the Neuro rehabilitation team consisting of specialists like Mini Mariam, Deepak Nair (Stroke therapy), Prasanth Kulkarni & Nikesh (Nephro therapy) & Swathi Elamon (speech therapy) for helping me to get back to normal life."